Attendance at circle and committee meetings and activities for at least nine months, complete 16 Swordsman achievements, four in each category. Achievements typed in italics are required for that category.
After completing an achievement, ask your counselor to put his initials and the date on the line next to each achievement, to indicate when the achievement was certified as completed. Achievements marked with an asterisk (*) may be certified by a parent’s/guardian’s initials and the date. Your counselor will also enter the certification dates into his copy of your Squire Advancement Record. If an elective is completed, write the name or a description of the elective activity on the line provided.
Home and Family
*1 – Plan and hold an international night with your family, featuring food, music, entertainment and dress from a foreign country
*2 – Keep a scrapbook of your achievements and important papers and awards
*3 – Set up a bird feeder in your yard, identify, list, and report to your circle the number and types of birds that visit over a two week period
*4 – With a parent or guardian, plan your family’s meals for a week, create a grocery list and do the grocery shopping while staying within a pre-set food budget
*5 – Organize a family charity project, such as donating food to a local soup kitchen
*6 – Plan and carry out a home emergency plan, including escape routes, procedures, and obtaining emergency supplies and equipment for different types of possible emergencies
*7 – Help a parent/guardian/grandparent/other relative or neighbor with a home fix-it project, such as painting, repairing or constructing something around the house
*8 – Create a painting/drawing, sculpture, photo exhibit or other type of art or craft project for a 1-3 minute presentation at a circle meeting
*9 – Elective – __________________________________________________
Squires and Knights
1 – Give a 1-3 minute speech to your circle about your favorite hobby or sport
2 – Serve on a circle activity committee and help organize and hold at least two activities sponsored by the committee
3 – Recruit at least one new member
4 – Hear a member of the Fourth Degree discuss its history, purpose and membership requirements
5 – Participate in a joint circle/sponsoring council or circle/sponsoring assembly activity
6 – Listen to a K of C officer discuss why he is a Knight and what he does in the Order
7 – Serve as a member of the circle’s ceremonial team and participate in at least one investiture
8 – Recite the names of the officers of your sponsoring K of C unit, of the state circle, the state council and of the Supreme Council officers
9 – Elective – ___________________________________________________
Community and Country
*1 – Visit and tour a facility for the poor or homeless, such as a soup kitchen
*2 – Visit and tour a pregnancy help center
*3 – Assist a person who is elderly, ill, injured or who has a disability with some chores around his or her house
*4 – Participate in a program, such as Special Olympics, that supports people who are intellectually, emotionally or physically challenged
5 – Attend a circle meeting at which your state senator, state representative or other elected or appointed public official, or some other state/provincial or community leader, is invited to speak
6 – Plan and carry out a project to clean up, recycle items, or otherwise improve the environment around your house, neighborhood or town
7 – Join in a walk-a-thon, car wash or other fund raising project to raise money for a worthy cause
8 – March in a local parade with your circle
9 – Elective – ___________________________________________________
*1 – Describe the three types of vocations – married, single, clerical
*2 – Describe and distinguish between the role of priests, deacons, brothers, nuns, and lay ministers
*3 – Lead a personal prayer at a Squires meeting
4 – Lead a decade of the rosary in a group
5 – Be trained and serve as an altar server
6 – Attend a circle meal with the pastor and/or father prior at the rectory
7 – Participate in a circle sponsored Mass in which you participate in the choir, as an usher, altar server, lector, Eucharistic Minister or in some other active role
8 – Attend Mass at the arch/diocesan cathedral and tour the chancery office to learn the duties of the various arch/diocesan offices and ministries – meet the cardinal/arch/bishop, if available, to discuss the hierarchy of the Catholic Church
9 – Elective – ___________________________________________________